23-24 PTA Executive Board Position Descriptions
Contact Lacey (president@brentfieldpta.org) with your questions as we'd love to have YOU onBoard with us!
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order to promote PTA Objectives. Preside over all meetings of the association and confirm that a quorum is met before conducting any new business.
1st VP Aide - Lost & Found / Afterschool Programming
Assist President in all day-to-day operations. Coordinate all afterschool programming on BFE campus (chess club, Kidokinetics, etc.) and maintain lost & found receptacles.
2nd VP - Programs
Coordinate Ice Cream Social and all in-school educational programming.
3rd VP - Membership
Conduct membership drive for PTA. Organize PTA membership on BFE PTA website. Apply for and coordinate PTA membership awards.
4th VP - Ways & Means
Plan and organize and execute PTA Pledge Drive.
5th VP- Spirit Wear
Plan and organize all Spirit Wear designs and sales for the year. Upload to PTA website, track sales and deliver orders.
6th VP - Volunteers
Report volunteer hours, recognize outstanding volunteers with Golden Apple Awards yearly and Volunteer of the Month monthly. Coordinate volunteers via PTA website for chairs. Responsible for school-wide Bobcat Folder stuffing and distribution the week before school starts.
Arts in Education
Publicize, administer, and run Reflections Program.
Auction Chair
Plan, organize and implement school auction including fundraising. Position will have three assistants to manage silent auction, live event planning and general communications.
Bike Rodeo Chair
New for 23-24! Plan and execute our inaugural bike rodeo event. Position will have one assistant.
Buddy Fun Day
Plan, organize and run Buddy Fun Day. Position will have one assistant.
Corresponding Secretary
Responsible for all written correspondence of the PTA.
Council Delegate 1 & 2
Publicize and organize volunteers for the RISD Clothes Closet, the RISD Council of PTAs Used Book Fair, attend monthly council meetings.
Dads on Campus (DOCS)
Publicize, administer and run DOCS program including organizing DOCS volunteers for the school year.
Diversity & Inclusion Chair
Coordinate and organize Multicultural night in January.
Dobie Chair
Coordinate activities to help support Dobie Primary and RISD Academy.
Enrichment Chair
Coordinate BFE Destination Imagination and UIL endeavors.
Fall Carnival Chair
Organize and run all aspects of the school wide Fall Carnival. Position will have one assistant.
Family Outreach Chair
Coordinate incoming kindergarten and Buddy Family events. Position will have one assistant.
Graphic Designer
Collaborate with various chairs to create graphics as needed with primary focus on spirit wear.
Health and Welfare Chair
Work with school nurses to improve health and welfare with primary focus on Red Ribbon Week and clinic needs.
Take pictures of all BFE events and compile memory book of the year.
Homeroom Coordinator 1 & 2
Assign, coordinate and organize room parent representatives with primary focus on communication and class parties.
Hospitality Chair
Coordinate and organize various hospitality events for staff. Position will have one assistant.
LEAD Fund Chair
Collect, order and deliver teacher requests for LEAD, a discretionary fund for teachers to requests specialized items for their classroom.
Library Chair
Assist librarians as requested with primary focus on One Book, guest authors and the ordering of Celebration and various other award-winning books.
Marquee Chair
Track and maintain marquee with current events and birthday names.
Mascot Chair
Schedule and maintain volunteer calendar for mascot appearances. Fill in as necessary.
Newsletter Chair
Produce Bobcat Bulletin that is distributed via email once a week. Includes gathering material, designing artwork and layout, organizing and producing e-newsletter.
Ensure parliamentary procedure is followed at the Executive and General PTA meetings. Organize the nominating committee and remain impartial and unbiased at meetings.
Paw My Yard Chair
Manage Paw My Yard and Student of the Month yard sign activities. Position will report to 4th VP – Ways and Means and will have one assistant.
Recording Secretary
Take accurate minutes at Executive and general PTA meetings. Keep the current bylaws.
SAGE Chair
Inform parents of SAGE resources and coordinate student education on SAGE opportunities and information.
School Supplies Chair
Organize and run PTA school supply sale, including online sale throughout summer and live sale before school begins.
Sixth Grade Advisory Chair
Coordinate 6th grade activities and communicating with parents, teachers and students. Includes fundraisers, end of year celebrations, Bobcat Breakfast, class gift, memory book etc.
Social Dance Chair
New for 23-24! Plan and execute parent-child dances.
Social Media Chair
Maintain BFE Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages and update as needed.
Sports and Grounds Chair
New for 23-24! Manage athletic field scheduling and maintenance plus general campus beautification.
Student Celebration Chair
Collaborate with BFE admin to organize and execute monthly Student of the Month ceremonies and pack parties.
Talent Show Chair
Organize, and run 5th grade Talent Show, including auditions. Position will have one assistant.
Maintain PTA checking account, organize and maintain all records of PTA monies distributed and collected and monitor budget. Responsible for all reporting to local and national governments (tax returns and sales tax returns). Position will have one assistant.
Website Chair
Maintain BFE PTA website with latest information including online store.
Yearbook Chair
Organize, plan, and supervise the BFE Yearbook production and distribution. Position will have one assistant.