6th Grade Advisory Committee
Group of 6th grade parents who plan 6th grade activities to celebrate graduation
The PTA holds an off-site festive fundraiser party every February for adults only. Along with the event, there is a silent auction component full of unique items and experiences.
Back to School Night
Grade-level meetings during the 2nd week of school. Parents learn about curriculum and key events.
Shorthand way of referring to Brentfield Elementary.
Bobcat Bob &
Our school mascots, they are cool, smart and a friend to all.
Bobcat Bulletin
Our email subscription newsletter service which allows you to receive important announcements from Brentfield. Go to to subscribe.
Bobcat Folder
Weekly folder sent home with your child. It will contain work your child has done and also important information from the school and PTA. Parent volunteers, stuff these folders each week. These volunteers are coordinated through the room reps.
Buddy Fun Day
Annual field day that is held in the Spring. The kids have a blast and the fun ends with a picnic that parents attend. This event requires lots of parent volunteers.
Clothes Closet
RISD Council of PTA’s clothing donation program.
Destination Imagination. A creative and logical thinking activity for grades 3-6.
RISD school that Brentfield sponsors. Dobie is a very special school and has a preschool, Pre-K and Kindergarten. We have lots of activities that benefit Dobie including a Thanksgiving food drive, reading buddies, music programs, Valentine parties and teacher appreciation luncheon!
Materials Center
Locations in each building where teachers (and sometimes parents) get materials for bulletin boards, make copies, etc.
Pack Pride
Brentfield is divided into 4 packs: blue, red, orange, and green. Each pack is trying to win the most pack points to determine a pack winner.
School Cafe
Online service that allows parents to pay for cafeteria accounts and check up on what their kids are buying in the cafeteria.
Personal Identification Number – yes, your kids already have one! Students punch this number as they exit the lunch line (see Pay Pams).
Parent Teacher Association. We are proud to have one of the state’s best PTA’s in one of the state’s best schools! The PTA is responsible for or helps with most of the programs at Brentfield.
PTA Arts Program. Reflections activities typically start in September.
ROAR Assembly
Monthly "Pep Rally". ROAR = "Respect Others Act Responsibly."
Room Reps
One-two parents per class help coordinate classroom volunteers and volunteers needed for PTA events.
Spirit Day
Every Friday, students are encouraged to show their Brentfield spirit by wearing either a Brentfield t-shirt or anything green or gold (or yellow).
Stock the Pantry
One grade per month is responsible for "treating" our teachers and staff with snacks in the staff lounges to recognize them for their dedication to our kids!
Student of the
Each month a student is chosen from their class who exemplifies the characteristics of the month. |