What is the Paw Pledge Drive?

  • The Paw Pledge Drive is one of the PTA's largest annual fundraisers and your tax-deductible donation is crucial to the success of the PTA's sponsored events and programs

What is the Paw Pledge Goal?

  • Our goal for 2024-25 is $50,000

Where does the money go?


Funds collected via the Paw Pledge Drive support many different initiatives, including:

  • Teacher and classroom supplies via the LEAD fund, a discretionary fund that allows teachers and staff to request supplies that are unique to their classrooms or grade level (examples: books, pencils, journals, teacher carts, workbooks, etc.) throughout the year
  • Teacher education programs, library books and author visits, staff hospitality, and a spirit wear shirt for every child
  • PTA sponsored programming, including Buddy Fun Day, Carnival, Red Ribbon Week, Multicultural Night and more

Are there any benefits associated with my donation?

  • YES! See graphic below for leveled benefits

How do I donate?

  • Support the Paw Pledge Drive by clicking here! Scroll down to "New Forms" and then click on "Paw Pledge Drive"


   Diamond Donor ($1500+)

   Benefits Include:

  • Your company logo or family name on the BFE Website
  • Your large company logo or family name on the banner displayed by the soccer fields (must donate prior to 9/15/24 to meet print deadline)
  • Banner with company logo displayed at all major PTA events (Membership Meetings, Carnival, Auction and more! (Must donate prior to 9/15/24 to meet print deadline)
  • Your company logo on the back of Carnival t-shirts (must donate prior to 9/15/24 to meet print deadline)
  • Dedicated social media posts with your company logo or family name
  • VIP Paw Packs for Carnival and Talent Show
  • Carnival and Buddy Fun Day T-shirts for students
  • 10 minutes early access to auction
  • 4 FRONT ROW reserved tickets to talent show plus 10 minutes early access to talent show for additional tickets (limited number of tickets)
  • 4 FRONT ROW reserved tickets to 6th grade graduation
  • Ice Cream Party with BFE Administration
  • Recognition on the Paw Pledge Display in the BFE Cafeteria
  • Recognition on the PTA website


   Platinum Donor $650+

   Benefits Include:

  • VIP Paw Packs for Carnival and Talent Show
  • Carnival and Buddy Fun Day T-shirts for students
  • 10 minutes early access to auction
  • 4 reserved tickets to talent show (on the side) PLUS 10 minutes early access to talent show for additional tickets (limited number of tickets)
  • Family name on banner displayed by soccer fields (must donate prior to 9/15/24 to meet print deadline)
  • Ice Cream Party with BFE Administration
  • Recognition on the Paw Pledge Display in the BFE Cafeteria
  • Recognition on the PTA website


   Gold Donor $300

   Benefits Include:

  • 10 minutes early access to talent show (limited number of tickets)
  • Family name on banner displayed by soccer fields (must donate prior to 9/15/24 to meet print deadline)
  • Ice Cream Party with BFE Administration
  • Recognition on the Paw Pledge Display in the BFE Cafeteria
  • Recognition on the PTA website




   Green Donor $150

   Benefits Include:

  • Ice Cream Party with BFE Administration
  • Recognition on the Paw Pledge Display in the BFE Cafeteria
  • Recognition on the PTA website


   Basic Donor $50

   Benefits Include:

  • Recognition on the Paw Pledge Display in the BFE Cafeteria
  • Recognition on the PTA website




THANK YOU to our 2023-2024 Paw Pledge Drive donors. We couldn’t do it without YOU!




2023-2024 Paw Pledge Drive Donor List


The Adams Family
The Adams Family
The Adler Family
The Akerman Family
The Alexander Family
The Alexandrakis Family
The Amari Family
The Amend Family
The Aronson Family
The Arttus Family
The Barton Family
The Beacom Family
The Bedell Family
The Bennett Family
The Berardi Family
The Berger Family
The Bermudez Family
The Black-Mathews Family
The Blumenfeld Family
The Booker Family
The Brown Family
The Carignan Family
The Carrasco Family
The Carter Family
The Ceballos Family
The Charney Family
The Chase Family
The Cheng Family
The Cohen Family
The Cohen Family
The Columbus Family
The Cook Family
The Cooksey Family
The Cooper Family
The Coyle Family
The Craigo Family
The Crain Family
The Cunniff Family
The Cutlip Family
The Dabrowski Family
The Dalrymple Family
The Davies Family
The Day Family
The Dempsey Family
The Dickey Family
The Dinyarian Family
The DonCarlos Family
The Drazin Family
The DuBois Family
The Dunn Family
The Durbin Family
The DuVal Family
The Ebbesen Family
The Ecob Family

The Edwards Family
The Efrussy Family
The Elam Family
The Estrada Family
The Ettinger Family
The Everson Family
The Falk Family
The Finkelstein Family
The Fitzgerald Family
The Fontanillas Family
The Forbes Family
The Ford Family
The Frank Family
The Freshwater Family
The Freshwater Family
The Fried Family
The Gallichio Family
The Gallo Family
The Garza Family
The Gendason Family
The Geng Family
The George Family
The Goldberg Family
The Golman Family
The Gomez Family
The Gorenc Family
The Griffith Family
The Grossman Family
The Guggenheim Family
The Haley Family
The Hall Family
The Hamrick Family
The Hanes Family
The Hanna Family
The Harman Family
The Harris Family
The Harris Family
The Hart Family
The Heffer Family
The Helffrich Family
The Hemphill Family
The Herlan Family
The Herzog Cohen Family
The Hodak Family
The Hogg Family
The Holford Family
The Holt Family
The Holt Family
The Hooker Family
The Horn Family
The Horne Family
The Horsey Family
The Hoyos Family
The Hurst Family
The Hyatt Family

The Jackson Family
The Johansson Family
The Johnson Family
The Johnson Family
The Johnson Family
The Johnson Family
The Johnson Family
The Jones Family
The Jurgens Family
The Kahale Family
The Kaufman Family
The Khaing Family
The Khodaparast Family
The Klein Brauer Family
The Knippel Family
The Koo Family
The Kuo Family
The Lake Family
The Lamb Family
The Lane Family
The Lange Family
The Larson Family
The Laughlin Family
The Laves Family
The Lemon Family
The Lesher Family
The Levitan Family
The Levy Family
The Levy Family
The Lind Cohen Family
The Little Family
The Livesay Family
The Longoria Family
The Love Family
The Luckey Family
The Mabel Family
The MacDonald Family
The Malmgren Family
The Mandel Family
The Marancenbaum Family
The Marvin Family
The McBride Family
The McCarthy Family
The McCloskey Family
The McClure Family
The McGlothlin Family
The McKenney Family
The McMillian Family
The McMurtrey Family
The Miller Family
The Milstein Family
The Miron Family
The Mock Family
The Moore Family
The Moore Family

The Mor Family
The Morgan Family
The Morgan Family
The Morrow Family
The Murdter Family
The Murphy Family
The Neill Family
The Niddam Family
The Nikolopoulos Family
The Norris Family
The Oberwetter Family
The Okamura Family
The Parker Family
The Parrish Family
The Pate Family
The Pedigo Family
The Penn Family
The Perry Family
The Perry Family
The Pondrom Family
The Postel Family
The Powers Family
The preble Family
The Puskarich Family
The Rajkumar Family
The Reagan Family
The Rench Family
The Rethorst Family
The Roa Meza Family
The Rokenes Family
The Rosensteel Family
The Rossel Family
The Rothschild Family
The Rucker Family
The Russell Family
The Russell Family
The Sagawa Family
The Sahl Family
The Saleh Family
The Salfiti Family
The Salisbury Family
The Sander Family
The Sanders Family
The Sandler Family
The Santana Family
The Schweig Family
The Sears Family
The Shannon Family
The Sheeran Family
The Sheppard Family
The Shirley Family
The Sideris Family
The Sims Family
The Smirnis Family
The Somer Family

The Stavlo Family
The Steinbach Family
The Stern Family
The Stewart Family
The Sulzer Family
The Sutker Family
The Taylor Family
The Todd Family
The Trcka Family
The Twilley Family
The Umali-Rajkumar Family
The Vargas Family
The Vith Family
The Waits Family
The Walker Family
The Walters Family
The Whelan Family
The White Family
The Williams Family
The Winans Family
The Wisner Family
The Wolf-Beshear Family
The Wolff Family
The Wolford Family
The Yenne Family




Please contact fundraising@brentfieldpta.org with questions.  

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